Monday, May 11, 2009

I am blessed :)

Ok so this weekend was A-mazing!!!! I had the best Mothers Day Weekend ever. I feel so blessed to have a healthy happy little girl who has made me one of the happiest mommas in the whole world!!!! I honestly couldnt imagine my life without her. She is growing up so fast and it has been so much fun watching her grow and learn new stuff each and everyday. I wont give you allllll the details of my wonderful weekend but I will recap my PERFECT Mothers Day. Mothers Day began with the sweetest 5 words any man could say to his wife/mother of his child(ren). Those sweet words were "Honey, Go back to bed". Seriously I walked into the living room to see my husband cooking breakfast for me and when he said those words I turned right back around and JUMPED into bed! Jabin made me a ham and cheese omlete and toast for mothers day along with coffee!!!! Pretty nice huh? Daley sat in bed with her mommy and I shared my breakfast with was so sweet and special. After breakfast Jabin gave me my Mothers Day gift! This was something I have been asking for since March and I was so excited when he brought it to me! Here is a picture :)Ok so obviously ours has an "S" on it!

For lunch Jabin cooked his famous hamburgers on the grill. My mom and stepdad, Kelli & Atlee and my grandparents came over. We had a nice time :) Here are a few pictures from our fun family gathering!!
And so the coolest gift of all (which wasnt really a gift but I am super pumped about) was this purchase!!!! Thats right!!!! We got a MacBook Pro and I couldnt be more excited. I have been wanting a Mac for YEARS. She will be here on Friday and I cant wait to see all the cool stuff she can do! And YES I am calling her a she!!!! Something this pretty has to be a she :)

P.S. Did anyone notice the new wall color! We are loving the "Ronald McDonald Yellow" (as Jabin calls it) Our house feels so sunny and warm now :)

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