Friday, October 16, 2009

Mommy's Little Book Worm

Daley looooooves books!!!! Well today before lunch I ran to the JBF sale and found a great grab bag of hard back books for her. She plays with her books so much that books with flimsy pages dont last at our house. Well at least they wouldnt last if they were left laying around for her to play with. Those pretty story books stay on a shelf for night time reading. Anywho when I found this grab bag with 7 books for $3.00 I knew I had to take them home to my little bookworm. After disenfecting them (cause of course they will end up in her mouth) I let her go to town. She was so excited that she couldnt even peel herself away from them long enough to kiss her Nanny goodbye. I couldnt resist snapping a few cutie-pie pics for your viewing pleasure.

Checkin out her new Itsy-Bitsy Spider Book
I love my tiny Circus Book
So many books so little time :)

This is her fave book that was a gift from Lauren . She likes to look @ herself on the "Y" page!!!!

1 comment:

Lauren and Steven said...

Ahh how cute. I'm so glad she likes her book...